Miswak: Natural Ancient Toothbrush

what is miswak, man using miswak

What Is Miswak?

Miswak or Siwak (miswaak, siwak, sewak, Arabic: سواك‎ or مسواك) is a piece of wood or stick from the roots of the Arak trees (Saladora persica), an evergreen shrub located in the Arabian Peninsula in Saudi Arabia. Miswak is used as a natural toothbrush.

History Of Miswak

Even though the activities of using Miswak as toothbrosh have been known to be closely related to Muslim culture, the activities and products of the siwak are actually  had been used by ancient civilization.

Ra'ed I. Al Sadhan and Khalid Almas once wrote a paper related to the history of siwak usage which was later published in the Saudi Dental Journal in 1999.

In a paper entitled "Miswak (chewing stick): A Cultural And Scientific Heritage" it was mentioned that miswak or siwak had been used by Babylonians since about 7,000 years ago. Siwak was then used in the days of the Greek and Roman kingdoms. Furthermore, siwak is also used by Jews, ancient Egypt, and Muslims until now.

Name Of Miswak

Siwak has different names in different regions. In Tanzania the name miswak is more popular than siwak. As for various regions in the Middle East, this chewable wood can be referred to as miswak, siwak or arak. While in Pakistan and India, the branches of woody trees are called datan or miswak.

What Tree Is Used as Miswak?

Miswak or arak tree

What woody trees are commonly used as siwak? Middle Eastern people usually make siwak from twigs, bark, or roots of arak trees (Salvadora persica). 

As for West Africa, which is commonly used as siwak is lemonade (Citrus aurantifolia) and orange tree (Citrus sinesis).

Some black Americans usually use the roots of the senna plant (Cassiva vinea) to clean their teeth. While Indians and surrounding areas are used to using neem trees (Azadirachta indica) as miswak wood and people on Sierre Leone, Africa clean their teeth with wood from the African laburnum tree (Cassia sieberianba). Not to forget, the Japanese also used a toothbrush like siwak which they called koyoji and the Romans used wood from mastic to brush their teeth.

Miswak In Islamic Teaching

For Muslims, using Siwak has become a lifestyle. Even using siwak is believed to be one of the activities of the Sunnah (recommended by prophet) for Muslims.

In the books of hadith (saying of prophet), it was recorded that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did not only encourage Muslims to use siwak. There are several traditions related to siwak. One of the most famous hadith sounds is narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.

Were it not that I might over-burden the Believers I would have ordered them to use Siwak (Miswak) at the time of every Prayer. 

Hadith About Miswak

There is dozens of hadith which encourage Muslim to use Miswak in every occations. And the prophet himself love to use miswak very much. Below is some of those hadith.

Narrated Anas:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "I have told you repeatedly to use the Siwak. (The Prophet (ﷺ) put emphasis on the use of the Siwak.) (Sahih al-Bukhari 888)

'Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) would clean his teeth with the Miswak , then he would give me the Miswak in order to wash it. So I would first use it myself, then wash it and return it.(Sunan Abi Dawud 52)

Narrated Hudhaifa:

Whenever the Prophet (ﷺ) got up at night, he used to clean his mouth with Siwak / Miswak. (Sahih al-Bukhari 245)

It was narrated that Shaqiq said:

"We were commanded, when we got up to pray at night, to clean our mouths with the Miswak ." (Sunan an-Nasa'i 1624)

Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I dreamt that I was cleaning my teeth with a Siwak and two persons came to me. One of them was older than the other and I gave the Siwak to the younger. I was told that I should give it to the older and so I did." (Sahih al-Bukhari 246)

'Aishah  radhiyallahu ‘anha narrated: the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu'alaihi Wasallam once said,

"Using Miswak cleanses the mouth and is something that brings the pleasure of the Rabb" (Narrated by Bukhari and An Nasa'i).

Imam An Nawawi said, that using Miswak (in terms of deeds) can be interpreted as anything that can remove dirt from the teeth and mouth. So, brushing your teeth, gargling with mouthwash, and using dental floss (flossing) can be said to be a Miswak activity.

Islamic Schoolar Recommend Miswak

The scholars say that Miswak from arak wood is more beneficial than toothbrush.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends Miswak to brush your teeth.

Several studies that have been carried out prove that the use of Miswak wood is more effective in reducing bacteria in the teeth and mouth than modern toothbrushes.

Miswak cleanses teeth and mouth mechanically and chemically 

Mechanically, Miswak wood can brush the tooth surface like a toothbrush. When using siwak, we do not need to use toothpaste, because the content in toothpaste such as antibacterial and fluoride is also available in Miswak (chemical cleaning)

How to hold Miswak 

Right hand or left hand? Use your right hand if you intend to run sunnah, but use your left hand if you intend to clean the dirt from your teeth and mouth.

Use Miswak with the intention of sunnah, for example, before ablution, when going to pray, reading Al-Qur'an, enter the house, and when you wake up at night to pray tahajjud.

How to use siwak:

how to use miswak

To use Miswak typically we use these steps:

  1. Skin of one end of siwak wood about 3 cm
  2. Chew the skinned part (Initially the spicy terrace, though less comfortable but not dangerous).
  3. When it is soft and forms brush bristles immediately soaked in water.
  4. Clean the teeth with the siwak in the form of feathers.

The part that must be cleaned

The part of the tooth that must be cleaned covers the front surface, between teeth, the inner surface, and the surface for chewing. Gums, tongue and palate should also be brushed because they can become a nest of bacteria.

How to brush your teeth and mouth with Miswak 

The correct way to brush your teeth is to brush the entire tooth surface without exception. The straight shape of the Miswak feather with its handle will make it a little difficult when brushing your teeth, especially for the back teeth. So, when using siwak, make sure that every tooth surface is brushed clean so that no food scraps accumulate.

Tooth brushing technique

The technique used is basically brushing without injuring the soft tissue. Brush all tooth surfaces from the gum into one-way teeth, except on the surface to chew using a rubbing motion. Tongue and ceiling are brushed from back to front.

Benefits Of Miswak

who comfirmed benefits of miswak

In several studies conducted by WHO and other independent health organizations, it was found that people who use Miswak regularly will need less dental care than those who use toothbrushes and toothpaste, as reported by StyleCraze. Siwak has 19 active ingredients including trimethylamine which has antibacterial effects, silica which is able to ablate plaque, fluoride to maintain enamel, to essential oils as aromatherapy. Miswak also contains other natural substances that are effective in preventing bleeding in the gums and reducing the risk of oral cancer.

Not only is the texture soft, Miswak also has natural ingredients like those in toothpaste. Complete benefits, ranging from preventing tooth decay to reducing the risk of oral cancer

In 1986, WHO once suggested using siwak to clean teeth and make siwak as a health commodity that needs to be cultivated. Wow, amazing!
Not only cleaning teeth from leftovers, apparently Miswak has many benefits. In the U.S. report National Library of Medicine, Hassan Suliman Halawany (2012) wrote the chemical content in Miswak . Hasan mentioned the results of AlLafi and Ababneh's (1995) research on Miswak .
The results showed the natural mineral content of Miswak , namely antibacterial acids such as astringents, abrasives and detergents that can kill bacteria and prevent infection.

Other ingredients such as chloride, fluoride, silica, sulfur, vitamin C, trimethyl amine, salvadorine, tannins, pottasium, sodium bicarbonate serve to clean teeth, whiten and nourish teeth and gums.

In addition, Miswak also contains fresh, natural-scented oils. This oil can make the mouth fragrant and make a fresh breath.

Other substances found in Miswak are enzymes to reduce dental plaque. There is also an anti-decay agent, an anti-decay agent that can reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

Modern Day Use of Miswak 

Reported by Buzzfeed, a company in the Czech Republic named Yoni, has launched a new product to clean teeth with the name 'Miswak'. Actually this product is not really new, because miswak or siwak have been used for a long time. Yoni campaigned for siwak again as a mineral-rich natural product essential for dental and oral health. The price offered for one siwak at that time was 3.9 euros, 

However, considering the use of siwak has been popular for thousands of years, some citizens make it a joke. Until the satire reappears about Europe which often modernizes things that have happened in other parts of the world, even though it has become an old tradition. Even so, Yoni's initiative should be appreciated.

Although it looks old-fashioned and its position seems to have been replaced by brushes and toothpaste, the fact that cleaning teeth using Miswak will provide more benefits than using brushes and toothpaste. 

Video On How To Use Miswak

Are you interested in cleaning your teeth with a "new" product that has been used since 7,000 years ago? Or have you ever used it? Tell us about your experience in the comments
